PDF - Instructions:
Gotha T57 tramway train

Verified overall ratings (1 Kundenbewertung)
Item number: SHC2023-008-TW Categories: , , Tags: , , ,


The item offered here is a digital assembly instruction in PDF file format. There are no construction elements included in the offer! The image is a digitally created image and is only intended to represent the finished product. This model was created by a Community Designer designed. The assembly instructions have been reviewed and approved by Stone Heap. The instructions are structured differently like our standard PDF assembly instructions.

Number of bricks needed: 1,035
Level of difficulty: Medium
Age recommendation: 12+
Designed by: TW Bricks

Wagonbau Gotha developed these two-axle vehicles to replace worn-out pre-war cars. Starting in 1957, nearly all of the GDR's tramway operations were built with Gotha 2-axle trains in various (slightly revised) designs and gauges. Units were also manufactured for export to Eastern Europe. From 1968 to 1969, tramcars of identical design were still manufactured under license at Tatra in Prague under the designation T2D/ B2D and imported into the GDR.

They were used individually or with up to two sidecars, often in mixed operation with other vehicle types.

In addition to numerous conversions to work or freight cars and preserved museum vehicles, Gotha cars can still be found in everyday regular service with smaller tramway companies.

The model consists of a railcar (T57) and a sidecar (B57) in interior design. The interior is furnished for figures. The models have simple but functional couplers.

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1 Bewertung für Straßenbahnzug Gotha T57

  1. Max Werner

    Was soll man sagen, dieses Modell und generell die Anleitungen von TW Bricks machen einfach Spaß.

    Die rollfähigen Modelle haben einen absolut stimmigen Gesamteindruck, die Anleitungen und Bauschritte sind durchweg durchdacht, es baut sich leicht von der Hand und die Fahrzeuge sind sehr stabil. Pfiffige Tüftler bekommen es sicher irgendwie hin die Modelle zu motorisieren, dabei kommen die Drehgestellwagen ohne Probleme durch R40 Radien. Bei dem T57/B57 sollten die Gleisbögen etwas größer sein durch den größeren Achsstand.

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