PDF - Instructions:
DRG BR 05 002

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The item offered here is a digital assembly instruction in PDF file format. There are no construction elements included in the offer! The image is a digitally created image and is only intended to represent the finished product.

Number of stones: 1,636
Level of difficulty: Hard
Age recommendation: 18+
Designed by: Andi

In 1935, the engine was handed over to the DRG. In contrast to the 05 001, the 002 was intended as an experimental locomotive from the very beginning.

The steam locomotive became famous due to a more or less accidental speed record. On the May 11, 1936 trip from Hamburg to Berlin, the train had to wait 2.5 minutes at Wittenberge station. To get back to Berlin on time, the engineer Oscar Langhans and stoker Ernst Höhne had to go faster than the usual 150 km/h. The speedometer in the driver's cab went faster than the normal speed. The speedometer in the driver's cab went up to 200 km/h, this value was quickly reached and the locomotive was also able to maintain the speed. The later way/time calculation of 90 seconds and 5km resulted in the value of 200.4 km/h, with speed peaks of 201 km/h. The measured power during the record run was 3,400 PSi.

Today, the official fastest steam locomotive in the world, with a top speed of 202.6 km/h, is the A4 "Mallard" of the LNER. However, it must be said about this record that the values were not documented beyond doubt and that the locomotive was damaged during the journey by a hot running driving rod bearing.

After the war, all 3 class 05 locomotives were used by the German Federal Railroad, albeit without streamlining. With the arrival of new V200 diesel locomotives, the imposing steam locomotives became obsolete, and the record-breaking 002 and 003 were unfortunately scrapped in 1960. The 05 001, which got its streamlining back at AW Weiden, is now in the Nuremberg Transport Museum.

The model should be run at least on the R72 radius. To achieve good running characteristics, the model can be motorized with an L-motor and traction motor. Battery box and receiver find their place in the tender.

In addition, a steam module can be installed, which you can purchase here: www.joooooy.com

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1 Bewertung für DRG BR 05 002

  1. Markus

    Dieses Modell der schnellsten Dampflokomotive der Welt sieht einfach umwerfend aus. Es hat auf meinem Eisenbahn-Regal die BR 01.10 klar nach hinten verdrängt.
    Ich war schon seit meiner Kindheit ein Fan dieser Lokomotive und ich kann jedem nur empfehlen, sich die noch erhaltene BR 05 001 im DB Museum Nürnberg anzusehen. Das Modell fängt die widersprüchliche Mischung aus Kraftprotz und Windhund, die diese Maschine ausstrahlt, vortrefflich ein.
    Der Zusammenbau und auch die Handhabung des Modells sind aber leider nichts für ungeduldige Zeitgenossen. Vor allem die Kesselverkleidung oben ist sehr empfindlich und gleichzeitig mühsam zu reparieren: Von „Teppich-Bahning“ oder Spielen mit Kindern rate ich mit diesem Modell dringend ab! Hier macht die BR 01.10 eine sehr viel bessere Figur.
    Wie auch bei der BR 01.10 sind auch bei der BR 05 viel zu kleine Räder verbaut: Die gigantischen 2300 mm Räder sind nur als L-Räder abgebildet. Ein verschmerzbarer Kompromiss, auch zu gunsten der Fahrbarkeit, da die Räder durch die Verkleidung praktisch nicht zu sehen sind.

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