Complete set:
Wiener Linien - Horse tram

Verified overall ratings (1 Kundenbewertung)

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Item number: DK-1906 Categories: , Tags: , ,

Lieferzeit: 2-4 Tage


Number of stones: 241
Level of difficulty: Easy
Age recommendation: 7+
Length: 28 cm
Designer: derKlassiker
Licensing partner: Wiener Linien

This set is a special set, it is the first tram that ran in Vienna. The horse tram, faithfully reproduced in detail, contains both terminus stickers. Just like in real life, the direction of travel can be changed by simply moving the horses from the front to the back. The yellow and red lamp panels on the roof can be changed and the train can set off in the other direction. The set can also be played with LEGO® FRIENDS® figures.

1 Bewertung für Wiener Linien – Pferdetram

  1. Dominik Pszenny

    A really lovely tram. True to the original and functional. Construction quite easy , and enjoyable. A very successful model. Certainly worthy of recommendation 🙂

    Verified purchase. Find out more

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