PDF - Instructions:
DB BR 218

Verified overall ratings (1 Kundenbewertung)


The item offered here is a digital assembly instruction in PDF file format. There are no construction elements included in the offer! The image is a digitally created image and is only intended to represent the finished product.

Number of stones: 1,509
Level of difficulty: Hard
Age recommendation: 18+
Designed by: Fabian

The locomotives of the 218 series are the most recently developed member of the V 160 locomotive family. The developments of the V 160 to V 169 series (later 215 to 219), which had many similarities, were combined in it. The 218 took over the electric train heating from the 217 series, and the 1840 kW engine (2500 hp) from the prototypes of the 215 series, which made an auxiliary diesel engine for operating the heating generator superfluous. The electric train heating and the push-pull control make the class 218 a universally usable locomotive.

This locomotive is without doubt one of the most complex models in our shop. Both the design process and the construction demand the highest concentration. Working out the distinctive round yet angular shape of the locomotive from bricks was a real challenge. In order to get the iconic shape of the locomotive right on the roof, we unfortunately had to do without the third top light.

Due to the complex construction, there is unfortunately no space in the interior for the usual detailed interior fittings as with our other diesel locomotives. Also, it is unfortunately not possible to drive both bogies; however, the Powered Up L motor, which acts on one of the two bogies, provides enough power.

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1 Bewertung für DB BR 218

  1. Philipp Riedl

    Hab die br 218 jetzt gebaut und muss sagen, dass die bautechniken abenteuerlich sind! ich dachte mir nicht, dass das modell tatsächlich sooo anspruchsvoll wird. Allerdings haltet alles und das Endresultat sieht enorm gut aus! Einziges manko ist, dass die motorisierung mit normalen powerfunktions nicht möglich ist. Die akkuboxen sind zu groß und den ifrarot bekomm ich erstrecht nicht rein.. Da muss ich mir noch etwas ausdenken.
    Ansonsten sehr sehr gutes modell!

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